We change destinies
Our projects
Education and the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practice is the path to independence. That is why we cultivate the teaching of financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills not only in schools, but also in socially vulnerable groups. This also led us to integration projects for young people leaving children's homes or foster care and helping Ukrainian war refugees to integrate into society.
Support us and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most
Every contribution has a huge meaning, regardless of its size. To get involved, use the following account number: IBAN CZ74 5500 0000 0081 5313 6001 and select which project you want to contribute to using the variable symbol.
Children from orphanages and foster care - VS 2010
Financial literacy - VS 2012
Support for Ukrainian refugees - VS 2022
Thank you
Become our partner!
Our projects help in the right places

Since our first meeting I have known Jana as a strong, creative and enthusiastic person that has always given the highest priority to her clients and colleagues in the yourchance foundation. She has always handled a few roles at once - the one of a yourchance CEO, of a coach for her clients and colleagues, of a book writer and of an enterpreneur in her other businesses. All the best in your future endeavours, Jana!
Michal Drtina
long-term CEO, Vice-Chairman of BoD at Czech Mint

I have been following yourchance activities for many years. I admire the boldness and wit of its founder. The stories of the people in charge of the integration program "Start right" (Začni správně) moved me repeatedly. At the same time, I am very happy with the efforts yourchance consistently makes to provide the young generation with opportunities and tools to develop financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Yourchance is thus going against the grain and I appreciate that.
Petr Vomastek
investor, broker, developer

Yourchance does meaningful projects that help young people find their way in the contemporary world and become independent. It encourages young people and shows them ways to take care of themselves. And all this based on the idea that everyone without distinction should get their chance to live without debt and with adequate employment.
Lenka Vokáčová
Relationship manager at ManpowerGroup

Thanks to all our partners for all support. You are the key helping hand to realization of all our activities.